First blog post on my first blog... who knew a blank white 'page' could look so scary! This feels like stepping into the unknown and is so much more daunting than I thought it would be. I have a new found respect for the many bloggers I follow who make daily blog posts seem totally effortless..
I've written and deleted a few first blog posts now and having worked myself up into a proper stress trying to think of something profound to write by way of an introduction to myself and what I hope to achieve from starting a blog, I've decided to scrap that totally and just dive straight in as I've realised that what I want to achieve from this above anything else, is to have an outlet for my creative juices - a place to collect and work out ideas and thoughts and little pieces of inspiration.
So, with that in mind I'm going to start with some images I've seen this week that have made my heart beat a little faster:
This one from a post on Suzy Hoodless on - makes me wish I had a space big enough in my house to divide with Crittall windows and turn into a library/study just like this one:
I'm dreaming of a full set of these Hans Wegner Sawbuck chairs (picture from We have just about enough money left in our wedding present fund for 1 of these deciding which combination of wood and textile to invest in is keeping me awake at night:
This looks like a kitchen shared by a cook and an artist and seems like great dinner parties would be hosted here - I'd so like to see the rest of the house and find out more about who lives these but sadly the blog it's from originally is private (picture from Pinterest). I love the simple framed illustrations on the wall and the massive great big slab of marble on the opposite wall:
And finally, I'm not usually one for cheesy life affirming quotes like this, but it sort of sums up how I feel about starting this blog and a few other things in life at the moment (from dianekrugerperso on Instagram):
There we go then - I've passed the scary first blog stage! Here's hoping the second, third and all subsequent posts are a whole lot easier than this one.
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